Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Movie Review: Blade Runner

Hello from Ithaca, NY! I'm staying here with relatives for the week, and I'm bringing you this website's first review out of state.

Blade runner follows the story of Rick Decker, a "blade runner" tasked with finding and destroying replicants, or human-like robots with superhuman strength, speed and agility. When four replicants steal a ship and come to earth, Decker must track down all four of them and kill them.

The film goes has definite themes about the thin line between hyper-advanced robots and humans, and does so without forcing it. Ridley Scott (Alien), more or less cements his place in sci-fi film history with this movie.

Even though it has Harrison Ford, the acting is nothing special, this movie more gets its kicks from over-the-top blood and gore and cool special effects, both of which it presents to the audience by the truckload. It's everything I hate about modern cinema with its overt sexuality and flashy special effects, but it's still enjoyable.

The plot is fairly complex, I had to go back and think about some of the parts in order fully understand  it, and this part of it I liked. It definitely gets its roots from the American film noir period, which is something you don't see very often anymore.

Overall: 3 out of four stars. It represents what I hate about modern film, but it does it well.

Reference scale:
Man of Steel < Blade Runner < Star Wars

What's your favorite sci-fi movie? Comment below!

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